The first week is complete, and boy was it a whirlwind of information. I have to admit that compared to actual patient care, it’s been quite easy, but even learning the basics about a large bureaucracy like the State Department can be pretty overwhelming. It definitely gives you a sense of scale in terms of how large the department is, but you also get an excellent view of where you play a role, which has been interesting.
Through all of it, the instructors have been absolutely wonderful, and I have gotten to know quite a few of my classmates through various unofficial social functions. It’s astounding how interesting and diverse the class is, and my impression so far is that State really does hire the best of America to represent them abroad.
Also of import, I’ve gotten to know several of my fellow medical providers, broken bread with them (or more literally, garlic naan), and have gotten to share hiring experiences and practice stories, which has been great. Just like the main class as a whole, the MED group has been fascinating to get to know, and are just as equally wonderful people. Diplomats and their families are getting some solid providers to care for them.
On a more personal level, I’ve gotten to know my area of Arlington/DC quite well, familiarized myself with riding the metro, familiarized myself with a couple of beer gardens, and know where to find some of the best Indian and Thai food in the region. It’s been pretty fun meeting new people and getting to know a really unique and fun part of our nation. The hardest part of this all continues to be missing my family. I knew it would be hard, but I didn’t know it would be THIS difficult. I’m so thankful for daily facetime opportunities, but not being able to kiss my wife and daughters goodnight, or greet them good morning really stinks. I know long term this will just be a short blip in the grand scheme of things, but living it isn’t fun.
Overall, the experience has been quite positive despite the hardship of being away from loved ones. It feels good to have that first week under my belt and know progress is being made. Week two should get a bit more interesting as we get our bid list, and I might have an hint of where we could be off to. Maybe they’ll open an embassy in the Maldives just for me (fingers crossed).
Thanks again for stopping by. I’ll be sure to update again after week 2. Below is a small photo dump of my wanderings around my area as I worked my way to various social events.

For sure you’re going to get a Tajikistan 🇹🇯 flag on flag day
Haha, wherever I’m needed. I actually know an MP that was there through last year and loved it.