Kandi’s Corner: South Africa

As luck would have it, I was offered a great opportunity at the end of November to attend a Foreign Service housing conference in Johannesburg. When I heard a close colleague that was previously in Nouakchott would be attending, we quickly connected and planned a girls adventure to compliment our work related activities. Having never

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Kandi’s Corner: Stress

A reader recently reached out asking me if there was anything from my perspective as a trailing spouse that causes stress that I would not have necessarily experienced in my life before the Foreign Service. The answer is a BIG yes: Driving and the unknown. Right off the bat, I really hate driving or being

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Kandi’s Corner: Employment

This week Nick is on a TDY (temporary duty) assignment abroad, so he was once again kind enough to let me take the wheel. I am going chat a little bit about what employment is like in the Foreign Service, and the process for getting hired as an eligible family member (which is basically any

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