Wow, what a year. My first full year in the Foreign Service didn’t disappoint. It was full of fun, challenges, and lots and lots of travel. Here’s a brief recap:
In January we kicked off the year by going to Banc D’arguin and Gran Canaria:

February saw L and I head to the ancient city of Chinguetti and the Eye of Richat

March saw me head to Cote D’Ivoire for work, and we took our first R&R to Florida.

April saw us take a few days in Paris:

May had me working as an election observer and travelling to Frankfurt for work:

June didn’t have much travel but it was great to be able to watch the U.S. play England in the World Cup at the British Ambassador’s Residence. It’s also when I briefly thought I would be heading to Peshawar for my next assignment.

July was a busy month. We took a cruise from Barcelona to Southampton and spent a week in Scotland.

August had us spending some time in London at the end of our R&R and also featured an all important work trip for Angeli back to the U.S. It’s also when my assignment got changed to Rangoon.

September was a nerd dream come true. I got to head to Nottingham and play Warhammer at the flagship location.

October saw me head back to D.C. for work and begin a lengthy road trip to New Mexico.

November saw me close out some time with family in Texas/New Mexico and it also saw Angeli take a work trip to South Africa (that also worked in a safari, penguins, and some wine tasting).

And as I write this, I am currently closing out the year in the Philippines, visiting Angeli’s family, something we have not gotten to do since COVID stared. Will definitely post about this trip and my love of the Philippines soon.
2023 was definitely a great year for travel and adventure. Although I don’t think 2024 will be quite as jammed packed, we are starting the year off nicely, and with a big PCS coming up this summer, adventure will follow. Cheers and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! -Nick