Short and sweet this week.

I want to say thank you to all of you that continue to read this blog and send me questions. Over the last 3 years, many of my readers have started their own Foreign Service journey, and when they have been onboarded are kind enough to reference my blog as a useful reference to prospective MED officers.

During a recent WORLDWIDE update for Medical Providers, one of our senior leaders specifically referenced this very blog as being a great source of information for prospective hires, and thanked me. Talk about a humbling experience.

As some of you might know, I started this blog 9 months before I was sworn into the Foreign Service, like many readers, with a dream and some hope. So the intent was then and now to be a source of information for all those interested in this career. It is very pleasing to know that even after all this time that appears to be the case, so thank you for reading and continuing to find my ramblings somewhat useful. Cheers! -Nick


I am a Nurse Practitioner with 17 years of experience in healthcare. This blog is an attempt to catalog my experience joining and working for the U.S. Foreign Service and provide information for those interested in a similar career.

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