Not much to write this week other than to say I will be moving the blog from a weekly publication to twice a week. I have been publishing a weekly post for a few years now, and as I get busier in my job, and there become fewer things to write about that are worth publishing, I thought this would be smarter than just trying to come up with filler posts that don’t serve a purpose or interest me. I also want to keep writing without burning out, like so many other Foreign Service blogs out there, which is why I have decided to cut back just a bit.
The most popular posts on this site continue to be about the hiring process, or the Q&A posts, and most questions I receive are from potential applicants. Those topics will continue to be my bread and butter, while I intermingle various journeys I get to take as a result of my job.
As always, feel free to contact me via email in the contact link above, and I am more than happy to address your questions to the best of my ability. Thanks for reading! -Nick
Hi Nick,
I have enjoyed following your blog for the past year. I would love to contact you with some more questions (I am a PA interested in this career path). I don’t see the contact link to be able to email. Is there a way to contact you other than through the comments section?
Hi Abigail, thanks for your nice comment! It looks like you already found out how to contact me. Sorry for the delayed reply here, I get a lot of bot comments I have to filter. -Nick