EER Season: Part Deux
A little over a week ago concluded the annual exercise all Foreign Service employees get to partake in, the Employee Evaluation Reports (aka EERs). I wrote about it last year here, but the just of it is you get to write a narrative of all your great accomplishments over the preceding year known as a
The Event Horizon
In astrophysics, the event horizon is the point around a black hole that not even light itself can escape. It’s essentially the point where there is no turning back. That’s how I feel the last few weeks at post is. In less than a month, the family and I will be leaving Mauritania, and as
Call to Prayer
One aspect of my time in Mauritania that was so foreign to me when I first arrived but now a happy fixture of my day is the call to prayer. In Islam, the call to prayer (Adhan) is recited from mosques 5 times a day. The first prayer is early morning before sunrise and called
One Month Countdown
Hachi Machi! So much to do with such little time. The final month before our PCS sort of feels like being in a small room with the walls closing in. With Angeli back home, successfully navigating her re-entry into the medical field, I have been coordinating pack outs, play dates, and work functions, doing my
Research Mode
It’s a weird experience closing out my first tour, preparing to arrive in my second tour, but also having to prepare and research for my 3rd tour. Typically in the Foreign Service, bidding is done in 2 or 3 year cycles, depending on how long your next assignment will be. Each country is assigned a
Radio Checks
Short and sweet this week. Recently I was doing our monthly radio check when I started thinking about how weird this now routine activity was when I first moved to Mauritania. A radio check isn’t making sure my 90’s boom box can still pump out tunes, it’s a test performed in missions around the world
Two Year Federal Anniversary
Has it really been two years? April 11th marked the 2 year anniversary to my swearing into the Foreign Service. Moving into that Arlington apartment for a few months feels so long ago. Look at that freshly sworn in face (and note the Warhammer book in the background). Sworn in during the death throws of
Wining and dining
Every once and a while in my capacity as a Medical Provider in the U.S. Foreign Service, I am reminded that I am actually a titled diplomat (medical attaché), and as a diplomat, I get to do fancy diplomatic things. The reality is diplomacy is a good chunk of my job, reaching out to hospitals
AMA: Would you bid on Mauritania again?
A family member recently asked me if I could go back in time, would I have prioritized bidding on Mauritania when I first joined the State Department, and the answer is an emphatic YES! At the time, my list had 4 African countries (3 of which have since had coups) and 3 eastern European countries