A few weeks back I posted about my love of trying different beers around the world, the same can be said about Lay’s Potato Chips.
I want to note that in the U.S., I basically never eat potato chips, Lay’s or otherwise, but when you hit the road and explore exotic places, you’ll discover some of the most wild chip flavors. In the U.S. the most exotic flavors we might get are BBQ, Salt and Vinegar, Sour Cream and Onion, and more recently, pickle flavor.
Well, on a recent trip to Bangkok, I discovered some pretty wild flavors that blew my mind.

First up is Extra Barbecue. Not really that exotic sounding, but I loved this because there wasn’t just a regular BBQ flavor, and I am not really sure what extra BBQ really means. It tasted very smokey and I honestly enjoyed it more than I do regular BBQ chips, so this was a win.

Next is perhaps the most wild bag of chips I have ever seen. A combo bag featuring flavors Grilled Prawn and Seafood Sauce. Seafood Sauce is a sauce common in Thailand and Myanmar that is a savory seafood flavored sauce that probably wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, and grilled prawn is something most folks don’t associate with a potato chip. The flavor was pretty crazy. It’s hard to describe other than a sort of seafood, soy, salty flavor that I somehow enjoyed progressively the more I had. Definitely not for everyone though.

This is another fun one that would never be found in the U.S.: Hot Chili Squid. Nowhere to be seen, regular squid flavor, these were only available in Hot Chili flavor. These were actually awesome. Hot Chili and Mala flavors are ubiquitous in this part of the world, and I am all about it. They had to right level of spice and the squid flavor wasn’t overbearing. Thoroughly enjoyed.

FInally, Mieng Kam Krob Ros is a flavor inspired by the Thai dish Miang Kham. The chips are flavored with dried shrimp, coconut, lime, ginger, and chili. Easily my favorite ones, and possibly my favorite potato chip flavor ever. I never considered a potato chip capable of delivering complex flavors, but here we are. If you ever spot these, give em a try.
One of the fun parts about travel, in my opinion, is seeing common brands you see everyday at home, and seeing how they change for the local market. In the U.K. I had Lamb and Mint Lay’s chips. In Japan, Nori flavored chips. It’s such a simple pleasure of travel but in my opinion shows us how were are all similar enough to enjoy a potato chip, but culturally different enough to enjoy flavor profiles quite unique from one another. Happy travels! -Nick