One Month In

It has been a month since we arrived in Nouakchott, and as I mentioned this past week, things are settling into place nicely. My eldest daughter has made some great friends, my wife has been offered a job with the Embassy, and even my baby daughter has decided to start crawling and pulling up to

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Finding My Groove

Over 3 weeks into arriving in Mauritania and I feel like I am getting in the swing of things. Both at work and with our free time. The work routine is becoming a bit more predictable and the administrative tasks are becoming more routine. In our free time, we’ve found a steady rhythm of going

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Whirlwind Week

It’s been a little over a week since we got to Nouakchott and it has been an eventful one. The first order of business was settling into our house, which has been going well. We still have some things to unpack, but it’s humming along. It probably won’t feel like “home” until we get our

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