3 Month Countdown

This week marked hitting 3 months left in our tour. It feels like we just got here, but our arrival seems like it happened so long ago. It’s a weird feeling. A lot needs to get done in the next few months and it reminds of when I first joined the Foreign Service: As you

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Padel Club

One of the things that I have noticed with every departing member of the embassy, is they seem to discover a store, restaurant, or activity they didn’t know existed in the community just before they are about to leave. This inevitably leads to a comment along the lines of “I wish I would have known

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Tough Decisions

The ramp up to our PCS has another element of intrigue added to it. Recently, my wife was contacted by her previous boss in El Paso, a nephrologist that had heard she would be moving back to the city this year, and he offered her old job back with a substantial raise. The only caveat,

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Year in Review

Wow, what a year. My first full year in the Foreign Service didn’t disappoint. It was full of fun, challenges, and lots and lots of travel. Here’s a brief recap: In January we kicked off the year by going to Banc D’arguin and Gran Canaria: February saw L and I head to the ancient city

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Happy Holidays!

Short and sweet this week. Just a quick Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones. I hope wherever you are in the world, you are safe and surrounded with friends and loved ones. Cheers! Bonus: Below is a photo of the Nouakchott Holiday Card all Health Units in

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T-Minus 6 months

Wow, in less than 6 months the family will be packing up and heading out from Mauritania. Surreal. It truly feels like we just arrived to post and the sensation of being “the new guy” hasn’t really left me. I guess I am new in terms of Foreign Service experience, but I am not really

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