AMA: Least Favorite Thing

Now that you have completed your first tour. What is the thing you like least about the Foreign Service? This is a tough question because it will be largely unique to the individual. While some folks might find the physical location of where they are to be difficult, others might dislike distance from family, or

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AMA: Moving/Packing 101

How do you keep track of all your things when you are constantly moving all over the world? Doesn’t it get exhausting? This is solid question with PCS season upon us and our family being dead smack in the middle of a move. Yes and no to it being exhausting. Life in the Foreign Service

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Kandi’s Corner: AMA

A reader recently sent in the following question that really hit home: Now that you have gotten a tour under your belt, worked outside of your actual profession, returned back to your profession, returned home for a stretch, and have also had to alternate parenting solo, all within the first couple of years of your

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Home Leave 101

“The purpose of home leave is to ensure that employees who live abroad for an extended period undergo reorientation and re-exposure in the United States on a regular basis.” -Foreign Affairs Manual. Since I am on home leave for the very first time, I thought I would take an opportunity to explain exactly what it

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EER Season: Part Deux

A little over a week ago concluded the annual exercise all Foreign Service employees get to partake in, the Employee Evaluation Reports (aka EERs). I wrote about it last year here, but the just of it is you get to write a narrative of all your great accomplishments over the preceding year known as a

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Research Mode

It’s a weird experience closing out my first tour, preparing to arrive in my second tour, but also having to prepare and research for my 3rd tour. Typically in the Foreign Service, bidding is done in 2 or 3 year cycles, depending on how long your next assignment will be. Each country is assigned a

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Radio Checks

Short and sweet this week. Recently I was doing our monthly radio check when I started thinking about how weird this now routine activity was when I first moved to Mauritania. A radio check isn’t making sure my 90’s boom box can still pump out tunes, it’s a test performed in missions around the world

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AMA: Banking

What sort of banking do you use when living abroad? Don’t foreign transaction fees add up? Are your credit/debit cards even useful abroad? Easily one of the most common question I have been asked by newly hired providers, and in general one of the most common questions you see repeatedly on the FS Subreddit. Several

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