The Final Week of Orientation

This week marked the end of orientation, and boy was it a productive one. As mentioned in the previous post, I learned my first assignment will be taking me to Nouakchott, Mauritania. I remain incredibly excited about the assignment, and perhaps more importantly, my family is too. My eldest daughter couldn’t be happier to be

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Well, after 6 weeks of orientation, the day our class has been anxiously awaiting finally arrived, and in a whirlwind of information, nearly 200 individuals learned exactly where they will be going across this globe of ours. I am happy to announce that my first post with be in….. If you’re seeing that flag and

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Week 3. Halfway there.

Not much to update. Another week has gone by, and at this point the general orientation is halfway over. I’ve really been enjoying getting to know my classmates better, and all of our instructors/speakers have been wonderful. It’s somewhat daunting when you join such a large bureaucracy, but it is so comforting knowing that the

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It’s Official

After a hectic last week of work and a really fast move to Arlington (all within the last 72 hours), I can officially say that I am an employee of the US Department of State. This morning, I took the Oath of Office, which is the last step of the hiring process. Once that’s over,

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One Month Away

It still feels surreal that exactly one month from today I’ll be sitting at orientation in the DC area. Sure it might be virtual to start, all done remotely (but we still have to be physically in the DC Metro), and I might have shorts on below my suit and tie that the camera can’t

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Ask Me Anything (Salary)

How much does an MP in the Foreign Service usually make? It seems the government salaries are usually much lower than the private sector. Arguably one of the more important things to consider when starting the application process, is the salary. The Foreign Service uses a rank ordered salary schedule, and if you are familiar

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