T-minus One Week

One week from today I will be sitting in orientation, beginning my journey with the Foreign Service. I honestly still can’t believe it’s happening. Part of it might be that I am still working my current position in New Mexico until the bitter end, literally giving myself a single day off between my last day

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A Taste of Bureaucracy

Well, my transfer orders finally came in this week, and with them came my first taste of government fun. I had informed State that I would be going to my orientation solo, so wouldn’t need tickets/lodging for my family. This was confirmed by them in an email, and all my lodging was set up on

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“Moving” along

Pun intended. Sorry, not sorry. Just a quick update as there has been some movement over the last couple of weeks. I have continued to steadily pack out my stuff. Last week I basically got all my clothes separated into a UAB pile, or packed in luggage I will be taking with me, saving just

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One Month Away

It still feels surreal that exactly one month from today I’ll be sitting at orientation in the DC area. Sure it might be virtual to start, all done remotely (but we still have to be physically in the DC Metro), and I might have shorts on below my suit and tie that the camera can’t

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One Month Later

It’s been exactly a month since I got my formal invite to join the Foreign Service, and every day feels just as surreal as the moment I was invited. I thought the excitement would start to dwindle, but as each day moves closer to the start of the journey, instead it builds. Even rough days

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Steady as she goes

The last two weeks after getting invited to April orientation and setting up my PCS lodging in Washington have been fairly calm. This week I received my Salary Offer from the State Department, and as expected, I was salary capped in my entry level grade. I wrote an AMA here, about salary and all the

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Fast and Furious

“It’s a fire hose”. That is how a Regional Medical Officer that I befriended a couple years ago described the tidal wave of information and stuff you have to do once you finally get an offer from State. The past few days have been a whirlwind of information, planning, and telling family/friends about our plans.

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Offer Accepted

Well, I spent a whopping 12 whole days on The Register before getting my invitation to the April Orientation (now combined Generalist and Specialist). I was sitting at work yesterday (01/24/22) checking my email when a State Department email loaded with my invite. I probably had to slow myself down and reread it a dozen

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